










2.进一步加强他们的要求,他们首先需要找到汉都亚(Hang Tuah),汉惹拔(Hang Jebat),汉Lekiu和其他人的墓地。要展示自己是先驱者的存在。

3.铭文(Batu Bersurat)在登嘉楼,揭示了伊斯兰宗教降落在马来西亚超过一百年,这更加坚定了他们的说法!












注意:请记住公主汉丽宝? - 所有姓“HANG”(或ANG在闽南语)。


世界历史都知道印尼,这个(Malayu land)和它周围的国土包括新加坡,由印度国王统治,特别是淡米尔(Tamils​​)。NeelIauthaman在新加坡,还有拜里米苏拉逃离了印尼,全都证明了这一点。考古学家进一步发现布章谷(Bujang Valley),其不公开给公众。

他们自称马来人(Melayu)。甚至这个词纯粹是淡米尔文的单词。在淡米尔语,陆有山称为“Malaiyur”... 这给了他们一个单词“Malay”!住在那里的人都称为“Malayuraan”.... Malay(山)+ uraan(人),成为马来人(orang melayu)。





From the marina mahathir.

To all the lovely people in Malaysia, please take 5 minutes to read the article, by the marina mahathir publish and share.

I hope from now on in Malaysia, no one will be called "Chinese" or "indians" as "outsiders". We are Malaysian...

Theme: history today

The truth revealed (evidence)!
In June 1998, the Malaysian government hired a team of experts from around the world gathered in Malaysia a research project of the compliment of historical research, we explore in secondary school.

The aim of this study is simple:

1. Look for proof and evidence showing the origin of the Malay in Malaysia, they are the first race and religion, landed in Malaysia.

2. To further strengthen their request, they need to find the han is the first (Hang Tuah), han to pull (Hang Jebat), the tomb of han Lekiu and others. To show themselves as pioneers.

3. The inscription (Batu Bersurat) in building an jia, reveals the islamic religious landed in Malaysia for more than one hundred years, the strengthened their claims!

Know and see the truth.

Ask your brother, sister, niece, nephew, etc., (if I remember wrong) since 1999, or 2000, whether they have read the history of han is the?

Why is this so important theme is gone?

May be evidence that something, cause the government to stop the syllabus and hide the truth?

Which of the following is the results of a survey by the scientists and archaeologists, historians and other technical personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom (UK), Germany, Canada, yemen and Russia.

The evidence is:

1), they finally found the han, the tomb of han make drawing and others, for their bones are analyzed and the results of a DNA sample taken display:
All han, han make drawing, han Lekiu and spouse are not Malay!!!
They are from China (Islam) in Chinese!

Why did they come to malacca?
If you look at history, you will know that their job is to protect the unpopular Malay sultanate, frequently by Siam (Thailand).
Therefore, han and not the Malay hero!
They are protectors, protect the incompetent and popular worship in missoula (from Indonesia) landed in malacca and claimed the land belongs to his.
Han and all the friends come from China. They are assigned to the malacca sultanate, because in missoula (Parameswara) requires the protection of the Ming dynasty emperor!

Therefore, rich historical heritage baba and peranakan with seven expeditions to the western seas is closely related to general navigation, zheng he, helping to say the sanbao eunuch zheng he is a Chinese Muslim!
In fact, baba and peranakan is from the sanbao eunuch zheng he China one of the earliest descendants of noble descent.
These Chinese intermarry with worship in missoula, looks like the Chinese more than Malay till today.

They follow Chinese customs, wearing "Malay clothing and chest needles," speak common Malay and fujian language, they are eating pork.
They celebrate each religious festival. Such as the virgin Mary and Jesus, the Hindu god, even the islamic religious "keramat".
This is the best comprehensive race and originally formed in Malaysia. But they also do not belong to the aboriginal, even if is the earliest... Before the so-called malays, if really has its race!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why han history of all the series disappeared in the history of Malaysia!
It is shameful, they destroyed all
The fact that in han, just to save their face!

Note: please remember princess han li bao? - all the surname "HANG" (or ANG in hokkien).

2) employed by the government researchers found that the oldest tombstones (graveyard) in kelantan in 2000. Surprisingly, tombstone at least 900 years old! Older than the so-called inscriptions. But it is interesting to note that they all belong to the Chinese!

The history of the world all know Indonesia, this (Malayu land) and its surrounding land including Singapore, ruled by the king of India, especially in Tamil (Tamils). NeelIauthaman in Singapore, and worshipped in missoula fled Indonesia, all proved that. Archaeologists have found further cloth ZhangGu (Bujang Valley), it is not open to the public.

They call themselves malays (Melayu). Even the word is pure Tamil word. In the Tamil language, lu mountain is called "Malaiyur"... This gives them a word "Malay"! The people living there are called "Malayuraan"... Malay (mountain) + uraan (people), become the malays (orang melayu).

My god, if you are a Carey types of fanatics, claims to malays, after reading this article feel ashamed!

If you want the truth solid evidence, please write to federal association of Michigan and archaeological research.

This is a very good reason, to remind the indigenous can not call Chinese or indians back to their country, as evidence that native Malaysian malays are not the original.

The truth revealed (according to the evidence), anthropologist, I'm not sure whether there is a Malay!

Send to all my friends, let them know what truth is.

P/S: please preserved, so that our descendants from generation to generation, know Chinese not "outsiders". The history of Malaysia is not malays to as said.

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