



President Xi Zinping speaks on Learning & Practicing Buddhism.

Nowadays, a lot of people due to practicing Buddhism have fallen into blind faith instead.

This is not limiting to the lay Buddhists only, it also includes the monastics (monk & nun).

There is no discernment between practicing Buddha's teaching & Buddhism as a religion. Both are being mixed up as one.

What is the cause of the confusion?

The reason being, there is no earnest effort to learn the Buddha's teaching from the Tipitaka (the 3 Baskets of Buddha's Teaching).

If one could calm one's mind & read '旡量寿経' &  'Diamond Sutra' (both are Mahayana sutras) & etc, these Suttas are amazing, & one would understand everything.

A communist ideology based on Marxism, its finest essence is to promote a harmonious world. The basis of this harmonious world is built on every one is equal, every one has shelter, every one has food & every one has clothing.

When atheism is mentioned, it is to tell the people not to think  of any Saviour, nor to leave one's ideal in waiting or depending on others. Instead one must put in great effort to strive to attain it.

And all these teachings have been taught by the Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago.

The Buddha clearly indicated to all beings, you get what you sow. Changing one's destiny must rely on one's own effort to strive & practice.

The Buddha's teachings never limit to one (Sutta). Neither did He limit his teachings to one (individual) only. If there is such Buddha's teaching, those are all false accusations to slander the Buddha.

From here it is understood that being members of the communist party, why are we not following the Gotama Buddha's teaching in keeping our morality, dealing with others, working for the welfare of people?

Following the Gotama Buddha's teaching, be a non-greed, non-hatred, non-ignorant, non-egoistic being is not bad at all.

It should not be the case that because we follow the teachings of Gotama Buddha's, we thus become Buddhists; hence we are going against the belief of communist party & become a Unitarians.

This in fact is a misunderstanding on the meaning of atheism in Marxism. It is also an act of labelling the teaching of Gotama Buddha. This is the true blind faith of - if it is not left, it is right - a true reflection of ignorance.

Therefore, members of communist party, is it possible to learn & practice the teachings of Buddha? To be honest, it is possible. In fact, extremely possible. What are we to learn & practice from the Buddha's teaching? We are to learn & practice the Buddha's selfless loving-kindness.

——习近平 (Xi Zinping)

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